Parent and Carer Support and Information Sessions

Young People’s Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health Issues
These Support and Information Sessions are for Parents and Carers who wish more information or are concerned about their pre-teen or teenager’s Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health. Each monthly session has a different topic focus. There is also an opportunity for parents and carers to meet other parents and supportive professionals in a safe relaxed environment. Parents and carers of 11-18 year olds from in and around Edinburgh are welcome to attend any of the sessions.

The next Parent and Carer Support and Information sessions will take place on- Thursday 5th October, 6.30-8.30pm, Goodtrees Neighbourhood Centre, 5 Moredunvale Place, Edinburgh, EH17 7LB (Free parking is available at the venue, Bus Routes: Lothian buses 3, 8, 33).,
Sleep and Teenagers Delivered by Angela Boniface, Sleep Scotland Councillor and Reuben Addis from CAMHS, this session will explore strategies to help establish positive sleep routines with teenagers in order to promote emotional wellbeing.

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S1 Welcome Evening

S1 Welcome Evening – thanks to all parents, pupils and parent council members who joined us last night for the welcome evening.  I have attached the slides used in our presentation. Feedback included.

S1 Parents Evening

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Activity Week S1-S3 2018

All S1-S3 pupils were issued with Activity Week brochures and return sheets last week.  The deadline for all returns is tomorrow (Thursday 21st Sept)  to register teachers.  All pupils take part and there is a huge range of activities (and costs) on offer.  Please ensure these returns are made to avoid disappointment!  Contact Ms Presly if you need further information.

Complete Booklet

Activity Week 2018 – Daily Menus Returns

Activity Week -Specialist return sheet

Residential Excursions Return sheet 2018

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School Open afternoon / Car Boot Sale – 9th Sep

The PTA are having a car boot sale in our playground on Saturday 9th September from 2-4pm.


We are going to use this occasion to open the school building to Former Pupils and the public so as to allow a further opportunity to see the building.


Senior pupils will conduct tours between 2pm and 4pm.


Come along to both these great events!!

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Contacting Us – a handy reminder

Attendance – to let us know of a daily absence please notify us by 8.30am each day, providing pupil’s name, class and reason for absence using:

  1. The Report Absence Form on our website/useful links section. Planned absences ahead can also be requested using this form.
  2. Email us at  Planned absences ahead can also be requested using this email.


General Enquiries – please email us at


Admission Enquiries – please email us at  Our Admissions page has more information.


Calling the office (please only use where more urgent) – 0131 229 9703.


Thank you,  from the team at Boroughmuir High School.

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Free Conflict Resolution event for parents and carers

CR Flyer -Sep2017

Recognise, Reflect and Resolve

Free Conflict Resolution training event for Parents and Carers of Teenagers

Friday 22nd and 29th September 2017,


Goodtrees Neighbourhood Centre, 5 Moredunvale Place, Edinburgh, EH17 7LB

We are delighted to be able to offer another Conflict Resolution Courses for parents and carers of pre-teen and teenagers (11-18 years). Please find attached a poster for the 2-session course. The course which will be delivered by SCCR (Scottish Centre for Conflict Resolution) will provide an opportunity to reflect on what it’s like for teenagers growing up and the potential triggers of conflict in families. Discussions will help parents and carers to reflect on the different ways to resolve conflict in different situations.

If you would like to book a space please email me at or call 07860 736129 and provide a name, contact telephone number and if possible an email address. Participants must be able to attend both sessions.

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British Council International Schools Award

We are very proud to announce that Boroughmuir High School has been awarded the British Council’s International Schools Award at Intermediate level, moving on from the Foundation level we were awarded in 2015/6. This globally recognised accreditation encourages schools to develop international learning so that it is embedded within the curriculum.

The award has been given in recognition of our efforts to make international links in a variety of ways. The assessors had this to say: “Your school is clearly committed to embedding an international dimension to your curriculum, staff development and whole-school ethos, promoting citizenship across the school. This is strongly supported by your links with schools in different areas of Europe and the wider world, which provide excellent opportunities for not only exchange visits, but also curriculum-based collaborative project activities.”

These activities include exchange visits by the Modern Languages faculty, a Design and Engineering collaborative task with students from Paris, the S1 Micro-Tyco project to fund entrepreneurship in developing countries, and the RMPS ‘Send My Friend to School’ campaign.

It has been inspiring to see such engagement and enthusiasm from the pupils and this year we hope to develop this even further as we are now aiming to gain full accreditation.

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