Edinburgh Guarantee Bulletin:
Introduction to Career Management Skills Slides
Developing Young Workforce Slides
DYW Slides – Computing and Business
DYW Slides – Physical Education
New Resource: My Kids Career
Check out the new Webpage: Click Here
Open Days in Scotland
Edinburgh College
Careers Blog

The purpose of the Boroughmuir Careers Blog (boroughmuircareers.blogspot.co.uk) and Twitter feed (@CareersBHS) is to be a one-stop-shop for information and advice about careers. You will find details of current job and training opportunities, information about what is happening in school and suggestions for developing your Career Management Skills.
UCAS Information
For parents
- 2018 Parent Guide – this year developed in partnership with Which?, our guide tells parents everything they need to know to support their son or daughter with their future choices.
- Parent updates – we send our very own newsletter to parents to explain the application process, alert them to key dates, and send timely reminders. Get your students’ parents signed up.
Skills Development Scotland
Get the help you need for the career you want with Scotland’s online careers information and advice service My World of Work.
Whether you’re at school, aiming for higher or further education or going straight into work, My World of Work helps you with up-to-date information, advice and tools when you need it most:
- Subject choices – understand your strengths and make better choices about your subject choices and future career
- Leaving school – find a career that interests you and understand the skills you need to get the job you want
- Exam results – straight into a job or onto further learning? Whatever your grades find help in planning your next steps
- Preparing for a job – discover Scotland’s industries, search for jobs, build your CV and practice for interviews
- Modern Apprenticeships – why not earn as you learn. Find out what apprenticeships are available in Scotland and how they work
Your school careers coach, Cara Davidson is available in the school library. You can also request an appointment through the guidance team.
You can also contact Cara on cara.davidson@sds.co.uk if you have any questions or would like to book an appointment directly.
Parents or carer? Use My World of Work to access reliable and accurate careers information and advice to help you to support the child in you life through those big career decisions.
Cara Davidson Careers Adviser
Tel: 0131 376 2243
lIII Skills Development Scotland Leasachadh Sgilean na h-Alba
79 Shandwick Place, Edinburgh EH2 4SD
myworldofwork.co.uk – for all your work, skills and learning needs
ourskillsforce.co.uk – making skills work for employers
skillsdevelopmentscotland.co.uk – corporate website
www.apprenticeshipsinscotland.com – apprenticeship vacancies for young people to access across Scotland.
http://www.npfs.org.uk – Skills in a Nut Shell – a resource produced by the National Parent Forum of Scotland to support parents in career guidance.
Choosing courses – https://www.ucas.com/connect/videos/choosing-courses-how
Open days / parents newsletter sign up / Parent Guide 2018 entry – https://ucas.com/ucas/undergraduate/getting-started/ucas-undergraduate-parents-and-guardians
How to apply – https://www.ucas.com/connect/videos/using-apply-2017
Personal Statements – https://www.ucas.com/ucas/undergraduate/getting-started/when-apply/how-write-ucas-undergraduate-personal-statement
Accepting Offers –https://ucas.com/connect/videos/reply-offers-how
Tracking Applications – https://ucas.com/ucas/undergraduate/login