Welcome to the Religious, Moral and Philosophical studies department. Here you will find course information for S1-S6.
Miss Mandy Mitchelmore – Curriculum Leader
Mr Andrew Igoe
Mrs Jane O’Thy
Miss Erin Ross
More information for pupils including resources, homework dates and assessments can be found here
S1 & 2 pupils attend RMPS once a week, in these classes’ pupils will explore issues of belief and morality whilst reflecting on their own personal values.
S1 Topics:
- Belief in Action
- Winter Festivals
- Creation Myths
- Animal Rights
S2 Topics:
- Life After Death
- Big Questions
- Morality
- Inspiring Purpose
S1 Pupils research Scottish Cyclist Mark Beaumont as an example of Beliefs in Action, he has cycled around the world twice in under 80 days proving no challenge is too great!
S3 and 4 pupils attend RMPS once a week as part of the Health and Wellbeing Rota. During these lessons pupils explore current issues in the local context and deepen their understanding of how religion and values can shape the lives of individuals and communities.
Youth and Philanthropy Initiative
Values in Action
Investigating Religion and Belief

S4 Pupils carried out a litter pick in partnership with Clean Up Scotland.
National 4/5 RMPS S3-S4
The course develops knowledge and understanding of religious, moral and philosophical issues that affect the world. It includes both religious and non-religious perspectives and pupils are given the opportunity to reflect on these and on their own experience and views.
Topics covered:
- Hinduism
- Morality and Relationships
- Does God Exist?

Nat 5 pupils ask a panel of faith leaders from Interfaith Scotland their religious, moral and philosophical questions.

Higher RMPS S5-S6
The Higher RMPS course encourages active learning in the process of investigating religious, moral and philosophical topics or issues. Through the course pupils take a broad overview of the beliefs, values or viewpoints of more than one religion.
Topics covered:
- Buddhism
- Morality and Justice
- Origins

S5/6 Pupils exploring Samye Ling, a Buddhist temple in the Scottish Borders.
Higher Philosophy S5-S6
In this course pupils explore questions related to knowledge and morality and they become more aware of the complexity of philosophical arguments. Pupils will develop their ability to think logically, to evaluate arguments critically, and to challenge their own ideas and those of other people.

Topics covered:
- Arguments in Action
- Knowledge and Doubt
- Moral Philosophy