Edinburgh Youth Action
Support for children and young people:
Boroughmuir High School Anti-bullying Reporting
Bullying is behaviour that can make people feel hurt, threatened, frightened and left out. This behaviour happens face to face and online.
Report concerns about bullying behaviour by:
- Speaking to your Pupil Support Leader, Depute Head Teacher or any Teacher or member of Staff
- Send a Confidential Text or leave a Voicemail to the Boroughmuir Anti-bullying Line, call 07874 202 344
- Scan the QR code below and complete the quick and confidential form

Supporting Home Study
Office 365 (Teams, SharePoint, Outlook, OneNote) https://login.microsoftonline.com/login.srf
Many subject departments have support materials available within the Office 365 suite of applications. This includes year group pages on Teams and many subjects have materials on Teams, OneNote and on SharePoint. All pupils have login details. Materials often include class notes, summary sheets and booklets, questions and PowerPoint slides.
Home Learning in Teams
This resource is for learners, parents and carers to summarise where to find home learning information and resources on Office 365, particularly in Teams.
Subject Resources Summaries – https://boroughmuirhighschool.org/pupil-support/parents-information/
This resource for S1/2, S3/4, S5/6 is for our learners, parents and carers to support individual home learning and also learning that occurs within the school day. For each subject entry, information is described in 4 sections Course Information; Resources; Home Study Materials and Assessment. Examples of these materials include course outlines, topic benchmarks, class notes, teacher’s slides and revision notes (also available via the school App)
SCHOLAR https://scholar.hw.ac.uk/
Is an online course covering N5, H and AH courses in some subjects. Usernames and passwords have been issued to all S4,5,6 pupils. Subjects covered are:
Mathematics, English, Biology, Chemistry, Computing Science, Human Biology, Physics, French, Gaelic, German, Mandarin, Spanish, Business, Accounting, Art and Design, Business Management, Economics, Psychology
Pupils who lose their password or get locked out of OFFICE 365 should email Admin@boroughmuir.edin.sch.uk to request assistance.
Studying from Home
Accessing West OS Online Resources
Accessing OneNote from Home via website
Pupil Instructions for accessing an assignment in teams