Welcome to the Boroughmuir High School website

Fortiter Et Recte!

Our vision is to ensure a confident, nurturing and inclusive learning community where all achieve their full potential and embrace life’s challenges.

We actively encourage you to find out more about us through these web pages. Please do contact the school if you require more information.


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Latest News

Welcome Back!!   Can I welcome our new S1 on-board and also welcome back all our S2- S6 pupils. I hope you all had a great summer break and are looking forward to all that lies ahead in the new school year.   Please check out our summer mailing in the New Letters to Parents […]

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Summer Break 2018!

School closes on Friday 29th at 12.00 for all pupils and staff.   Have a relaxing and refreshing break and we look forward to seeing all our pupils at 8.32am on Wednesday 15th August.   Mr Dempster

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P7 Information Evening Presentation

Thank you to all P7 parents who attended our information evening last Wednesday.  As promised here is the presentation for you to look over as a reminder.  We look forward to welcoming our new S1s on 15th August. Have a great summer. Ms J Presly DHT Click here to download your copy: P7 Parents 20th […]

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Interested in a career in medicine, dentistry or veterinary?

This is an exciting opportunity for students who are interested in a career in medicine, dentistry or veterinary.   Please see the link to our website https://www.operatingtheatrelive.co.uk/publicevents here you will find a form that students can download and complete in order to see if they are eligible for a free place. We have 5 free places available per […]

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Nobel Prize Winning Former Pupil to Visit School

This Thursday 7th June, former pupil Dr Richard Henderson (leaver 1962) is coming to visit the school. He is a joint recipient of the Nobel prize for Chemistry 2017. Dr Henderson will tour the new school and then will have lunch with the Head teacher and some staff as well as some former pupils from […]

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City Parent, Carer Survey 17/18

Thank you to all who took part in the 2017.18 parent carer survey. The City have now collated the results for Boroughmuir High School as well as a summary report of all school returns across the City. The Reports are available to view on our web site in the School Information / Policies and Documents […]

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