S4 Prelims

We are sending out today the main pieces of information that you need to help you with your prelims. You have practiced exams and assessments in S3, so you know what to expect.


  • These are practice exams. You want to do your best, and then find out where your mistakes were so you can do better in the summer.
  • You will be a bit nervous. This is normal and everyone feels that way. Generally the best way to deal with this is to try it out, ask for help and fix things.
  • There are lots of instructions for two reasons. Firstly, to make it feel exactly like real exams so you can learn to manage them. Secondly, because there are lots of people working to help you.
  • Ask if you need help: your teachers, guidance, Mr Hayes, Ms Hall for additional arrangements, the school office, the exam invigilators, and support for learning staff are all here to make things easier for you.

Well done for all your hard work so far!

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