Welcome to the Boroughmuir High School website

Fortiter Et Recte!

Our vision is to ensure a confident, nurturing and inclusive learning community where all achieve their full potential and embrace life’s challenges.

We actively encourage you to find out more about us through these web pages. Please do contact the school if you require more information.


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Latest News

Easter Study School

We are pleased to be able to offer over the Easter holidays a number of study and revision sessions at N5, Higher and Advanced Higher level. Some sessions are in school and others online, as shown in the attached timetable. These sessions add to the existing national revision resources such as E-Sgoil, Scholar and Clickview […]

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Pupils write a warm welcome to young Ukrainians arriving in Edinburgh

Many pupils from all year groups took part in a ‘Words of Welcome’ lunchtime letter-writing session, sending messages of hope, friendship and welcome to 48 young people arriving in the city from Dnipro in Ukraine. These will be displayed in the living areas of the young people’s new homes once they settle in Edinburgh. Can […]

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Young People’s Health and Wellbeing Census

Dear Parent / Carer, It is planned that all pupils will complete the Scottish Government Health and Wellbeing census during class time in the period Monday 7th February to Friday 4th March. This census is for young people in school stages P5 to S6. All pupils will be issued with an information leaflet, and you […]

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