Welcome to the Boroughmuir High School website

Fortiter Et Recte!

Our vision is to ensure a confident, nurturing and inclusive learning community where all achieve their full potential and embrace life’s challenges.

We actively encourage you to find out more about us through these web pages. Please do contact the school if you require more information.


Please click here for the weekly newsletter.


Latest News

School Handbook updated

General Data Protection Regulation   We are updating our procedures in-line with regulation changes on 25th May 2018. Information about how we manage pupil data in schools is now included in the School Handbook (p31) which you can access via this webpage.   Please Click Here to download a copy of our new School Handbook […]

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Exam Stress Busting!

At The Edinburgh Practice, we know that this time of year can be very stressful for teens coming up to exam time and we are seeing increasing numbers of teens for anxiety management related to school and exam performance. As a result, we have decided to host a FREE two hour workshop for teenagers in […]

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Wine Tasting Event

The Boroughmuir Former Pupils Association would like to invite you to a wine tasting event on 1 June at 7.30pm at Canalside Meggetland. Full details are contained in the Eventbrite page at   http://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/boroughmuir-former-pupils-association-wine-tasting-and-agm-tickets-45216193853?ref=estw   where we indicate that the event has the support of the Parent Council.   It will be a rather special […]

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Support and Information Sessions

  Parent and Carer Support and Information Sessions on Young People’s Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health Issues   Please find attached information about the next Information and Support Sessions for Parents and Carers who are concerned about their pre-teen or teenager’s Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health.   Each monthly session has a different topic focus […]

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School Telephones Issue

Please be aware we are having some issues with our telephone system at present. We hope to have this resolved asap. In the meantime please use the BOR Admin account if you need to contact us.

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Open Day – Saturday 24th March 11am – 4pm.

The new school is open to the wider community this Saturday from 11am – 4pm. All welcome. There will be an opportunity to self tour, hear and see pupil performances and purchase prints of the old school as well as buy a snack and coffee from our coffee bar. See you there!!

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Event for Parent Council

Pop Up PARTY & thank-you for the teachers   on the early evening of Friday 23rd March 4.30 – 6.30 for which we have begun to sell tickets, through Eventbrite, and we need your support to help us to sell more – we have a maximum of 200 tickets. We hope that the event will […]

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