Digital Learning Responsible Use Communication

All learners in Boroughmuir High School have access to, and make use of, digital technologies to support their learning both in school and at home. There are two guides attached:

  1. Digital Learning – Responsible Use Protocol
  2. Digital Learning Quick – Start Guide

All pupils and parents/carers should read the Digital Learning Responsible Use Protocol. The Quick Start Guide is a one page summary of the Protocol. The purpose of this protocol is to highlight steps to stay safe when using digital technology. We are enabling the video feature in Microsoft Teams to allow live two-way video lessons during times when blended learning may be necessary.

In sharing this protocol we will assume permission to use the video function, and adherence to responsible use is accepted. If you do not want to child to take part in live video lessons if deemed appropriate by the class teacher then please contact  

Clare Braisby

Curriculum Leader Business Education & Computing Science/ICT Coordinator

A copy of this post is available in the Parents Information page

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Communication from Head Teacher and NHS Lothian

As you may already know, we are aware of a person in the school who has tested positive for COVID-19. We have been working closely with NHS Lothian Health Protection Team and following all national guidance.

A number of people have now been contacted because they have been in close and sustained contact with the case and the tracking process is now complete.

These contacts will need to self isolate and appropriate guidance and advice has been given.

If you have not been contacted directly to tell you your child is a close contact, then there is no further action required.

Enhanced cleaning and infection control measures are in place in line with national guidance. The school is safe and remains open.

If you have any concerns in the meantime, or if you need to book a COVID-19 test because your child has developed symptoms (high temperature, a new continuous cough and/or a loss or change in sense of smell or taste) please visit the NHS Inform website or for non-clinical advice call 0800 028 2816.

Please note that a test should only ever be booked if you or your child has these specifics symptoms.

Remember to stay at home if anyone in the household has symptoms of COVID-19.

For further information you may find this Frequently Asked Questions document useful :

Best wishes,

David Dempster


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Message from Head Teacher and NHS Lothian 20.10.2020

We are aware of a person in the school who has tested positive for COVID-19. We understand that this is a worrying time but would like to reassure you that we are working closely with NHS Lothian Health Protection Team and following all national guidance.

A number of people are currently being contacted because they may have been in close and sustained contact with the case and will need to self isolate. They will be given appropriate guidance and advice.

If you are not contacted directly to tell you your child is a close contact, then there is no action required.

Enhanced cleaning and infection control measures are in place in line with national guidance. The school is safe and remains open.

If you have any concerns in the meantime, or if you need to book a COVID-19 test because your child has developed symptoms (high temperature, a new continuous cough and/or a loss or change in sense of smell or taste) please visit the NHS Inform website or for non-clinical advice call 0800 028 2816.

Please note that a test should only be booked if you or your child has these specifics symptoms.

Remember to stay at home if anyone in the household has symptoms of COVID-19.

For further information you may find this FAQs useful

Best wishes,

David Dempster

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Message from Head Teacher and NHS

Message from Mr Dempster headteacher and NHS Lothian                                     Wed 14th Oct 2020

As you may already know, we are aware of a person in the school who has tested positive for COVID-19. We have been working closely with NHS Lothian Health Protection Team and are following all national guidance. Please find the attached letter from NHS Lothian 

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