Peer Support Group for parents caring for a young person experiencing mental health issues


Please find attached some exciting information on a new Peer Support group for parents caring for a young person (11-25years) experiencing Mental Health issues. The group which is run as part of the new Parents Carewell Partnership is meeting online, fortnightly on a Friday 10-11am. The next session will be Friday 3rd September.

The group aims to –  

  • Provide parents/carers with a safe space to share their experiences and hear from other carers in similar situations
  • Help improve wellbeing
  • Support parents/carers with ways they can help their child
  • Navigate complex systems such as social work assessments and welfare benefits
  • Help parents/carers find out more about their rights as a carer

If you’d like to find out more or to wish to attend a session, email Megan, VOCAL’s Parent Carer Support Practitioner at

Follow these links for    Peep Learning Together    Triple P    The Incredible Years   Raising Children / Raising Teens with Confidence  Teen Triple P parenting programmes

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P7 Parents Information Wednesday 16th June 2021

Here is the link to the P7 Parents Information letter which has also been sent out to our primaries to send home too.  We look forward to welcoming our new S1s on 18th August. 

We will be in touch with all S1 parents/carers w/c 16th August with the details of register classes and registration rooms to go to on their first day – Wednesday 18th August 2021.   

Have a lovely Summer. 

Ms J Presly DHT

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Boroughmuir S3 YPI

The Youth and Philanthropy Initiative (YPI) is a powerful active citizenship programme, empowering young people to make a difference in their communities while developing a range of skills.

YPI is the biggest independent initiative being delivered in Scottish education. Each school is responsible for directing a grant of £3000 to a local charity championed by its students through a unique programme of teamwork, research, and competition.

6 teams have made it through to the Grand Final on the 18th June.  The winner will be decided on the day and the grant awarded to their chosen charity. 

All the best to all 6 teams!

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P7/S1 Transition 2021 – Update

We are in the process of finalising our “Virtual 3 Day Visits” for our new S1s and parents on the 15th– 17th June.  In line with CEC guidance we are unable to meet face to face for transition this year but we are going to be able to build on the success of last year when we had a fantastic 3 Day Virtual experience.  This year we  will offer our P7s the chance to experience an S1 timetable and learning with a mixture of live streamed and recorded lessons to reflect an S1 experience. The feedback from last year was overwhelmingly positive about this experience. We are also building in time, space and support in August to allow transition to happen then too. This again will build on experience from last year. I am currently finalising the details with primary colleagues this week and these will be shared with P7 parents.

I will upload a “Virtual P7 Parents Evening” to our website on the 16th June and aim to meet in person in the autumn term when it is safe to do so.

I have attached again a link to our “Open Afternoon” which contains a huge amount of information which may be helpful at this time too.

Ms J Presly

Depute Head Teacher

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S5/6 British Biology Olympiad Heroes!

Congratulations to everyone who took part in the British Biology Olympiad before Easter. A great showing from everyone, but particular congratulations to Alexandra Murray, Priyanka Gopalkaje and Ruaridh McIntyre who won Silver medals – a genuinely outstanding feat. Rebecca Black Boada and Charis Tse were Highly Commended, and Sophie Hoole, Alexander Cran, Marina Wilson and Jessica Huang were all Commended for their performances. Remember, it’s not the size of the dog in the fight, it’s the size of the fight in the dog! Go team!

The Biology Department

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