S1 Welcome Evening Feedback

Last Thursday night over 100 S1 parents attended our S1 Welcome Evening. The evening was hosted by the Parent Council, PTA and pupils from S1 and S6.
Parents were welcomed by Mr Dempster and Miss Presly. Jacqueline and Christina from our Parent Council shared information about getting involved with the Parent Council and upcoming events organised by our PTA.
Our audience then broke out into groups facilitated by pupils and members of PTA. They shared “What is going well in S1?” and “Even better if?”
The consensus from our parents:
Going Well? – 3 Day visits, range of clubs, role of S6 mentors, homework diaries and pupils have settled well and feel happy.
Even Better If? The bulletin was on Twitter, the cafeteria prices were on the website, clubs did not overlap and more information about homework.


Thank you to everyone involved for making the evening such a success and offering us valuable feedback. A special mention must go to our fabulous S1 pupils who spoke so confidently and honestly about their experiences of Boroughmuir so far.

Thank you.

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South Edinburgh Consultation Correction

In accordance with the Schools (Consultation) (Scotland) Act 2010 as amended by the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014 I am writing to advise you of a non material omission which we have identified in the statutory consultation paper ‘Options to Address Primary School Capacity and Accommodation Pressures in South Edinburgh’ which was published on 24 August 2015.

Following the public meeting at Bruntsfield Primary School on Tuesday, 22 September 2015 which was held as part of the statutory consultation, the Council has determined that some relevant information had not been included in the statutory consultation paper. The statutory consultation paper includes a number of maps in Appendices 2, 5 and 9 which show the existing Bruntsfield Primary School catchment. Whilst these maps are accurate and correctly show the current Bruntsfield Primary School catchment, the statutory consultation paper did not identify a future change which will be made to this catchment which the Council has already approved.

On 28 June 2012, as part of the approval for the location for the new Boroughmuir High School, the Council approved minor revisions to the catchment areas of Boroughmuir and Tynecastle High Schools and Bruntsfield and Dalry Primary Schools. These changes, which will bring the site of the new Boroughmuir High School and the immediate surrounding area into the catchment for both Boroughmuir High School and Bruntsfield Primary School, are to be implemented from the academic year within which the new Boroughmuir High School will open and will therefore apply from the start of the 2016/17 academic year in August 2016. A copy of the report to Council on 28 June 2012 can be found on the Council website. The details of this previously approved catchment change should have been reflected in the maps in Appendices 2, 5 and 9 of the ‘Options to Address Primary School Capacity in South Edinburgh’ statutory consultation paper. Updated maps are now available on the statutory consultation website www.edinburgh.gov.uk/southedinburghschools. Part of the area which will transfer into the catchment for both Boroughmuir High School and Bruntsfield Primary School known as Fountainbridge South, has been granted planning permission in principle for a mixed use development. The estimated future pupil generation from this development has been taken into account in the roll projections included in the statutory consultation paper.

This omission is considered to be non material due to the minor nature of the future catchment change which will occur and the fact that this area is not affected by any of the options which are set out in the statutory consultation paper for consideration. It is therefore not considered necessary to issue a revised statutory consultation paper or extend the consultation period. As required by legislation this notice is being sent to all relevant consultees and Education Scotland and details of the omission and actions taken in respect of the correcting the omission will be included in the final consultation report submitted to Council for consideration. The omission will also be noted on the consultation website.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require any further information.

As a reminder the consultation period will be coming to a close fairly soon. Respondents are encouraged to use the response questionnaire which has been produced which can be completed online at www.edinburgh.gov.uk/southedinburghschools. Responses can also be made by e-mail to the following address cf.propertyreview@edinburgh.gov.uk. All responses, whether by letter, e-mail or using the online questionnaire should be received by no later than close of business on Tuesday, 6 October 2015.


Crawford McGhie
In accordance with the Schools (Consultation) (Scotland) Act 2010 as amended by the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014 I am writing to advise you of a non material omission which we have identified in the statutory consultation paper ‘Options to Address Primary School Capacity and Accommodation Pressures in South Edinburgh’ which was published on 24 August 2015.

Following the public meeting at Bruntsfield Primary School on Tuesday, 22 September 2015 which was held as part of the statutory consultation, the Council has determined that some relevant information had not been included in the statutory consultation paper. The statutory consultation paper includes a number of maps in Appendices 2, 5 and 9 which show the existing Bruntsfield Primary School catchment. Whilst these maps are accurate and correctly show the current Bruntsfield Primary School catchment, the statutory consultation paper did not identify a future change which will be made to this catchment which the Council has already approved.

On 28 June 2012, as part of the approval for the location for the new Boroughmuir High School, the Council approved minor revisions to the catchment areas of Boroughmuir and Tynecastle High Schools and Bruntsfield and Dalry Primary Schools. These changes, which will bring the site of the new Boroughmuir High School and the immediate surrounding area into the catchment for both Boroughmuir High School and Bruntsfield Primary School, are to be implemented from the academic year within which the new Boroughmuir High School will open and will therefore apply from the start of the 2016/17 academic year in August 2016. A copy of the report to Council on 28 June 2012 can be found on the Council website. The details of this previously approved catchment change should have been reflected in the maps in Appendices 2, 5 and 9 of the ‘Options to Address Primary School Capacity in South Edinburgh’ statutory consultation paper. Updated maps are now available on the statutory consultation website www.edinburgh.gov.uk/southedinburghschools. Part of the area which will transfer into the catchment for both Boroughmuir High School and Bruntsfield Primary School known as Fountainbridge South, has been granted planning permission in principle for a mixed use development. The estimated future pupil generation from this development has been taken into account in the roll projections included in the statutory consultation paper.

This omission is considered to be non material due to the minor nature of the future catchment change which will occur and the fact that this area is not affected by any of the options which are set out in the statutory consultation paper for consideration. It is therefore not considered necessary to issue a revised statutory consultation paper or extend the consultation period. As required by legislation this notice is being sent to all relevant consultees and Education Scotland and details of the omission and actions taken in respect of the correcting the omission will be included in the final consultation report submitted to Council for consideration. The omission will also be noted on the consultation website.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require any further information.

As a reminder the consultation period will be coming to a close fairly soon. Respondents are encouraged to use the response questionnaire which has been produced which can be completed online at www.edinburgh.gov.uk/southedinburghschools. Responses can also be made by e-mail to the following address cf.propertyreview@edinburgh.gov.uk. All responses, whether by letter, e-mail or using the online questionnaire should be received by no later than close of business on Tuesday, 6 October 2015.


Crawford McGhie

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S2 IDL visit

testThe S2 pupils completed a range of interdisciplinary activities last wk based around many subject areas. They are now completing a range of assessment tasks. They choose a follow-up task to complete. Below are some photos (we we’re grateful the weather was kind!). More info to follow in due course.

In addition to evaluating this event the IDL group is working on plans for a similar event for S1’s based around The Hermitage of Braid & Blackford Hill Local Nature Reserve in May and also supporting the Parent Council in regard to a new school time capsule

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