First ever Boroughmuir Bike Festival!


There are lots of things happening on 25th-29th April to encourage the whole school, pupils and staff alike, to get more active and on their bikes.


Here is the line-up:

Monday 25th April  – Dr Bike from the Bike Station doing free bike checks

Pupils can bring their bike for a free bike check.  They must sign up at school by the end of Thursday 21st April and bring along their bike before school starts on Monday 25th April.  They will be given a label and the mechanic will be able to write any advice on the other side. Bikes will be ready to pick up after school.  Dr Bike, the mobile cycle mechanic, will be setting up his stand, offering free bike safety checks, giving some advice on cycle safety, bike maintenance and bike facilities in Edinburgh.


Tuesday 26th April– Bike fair and challenges in the Atrium at break and lunch

There will be stalls with giveaways, leaflets and maps.  Pupils will be working for a pedal-powered smoothie on the smoothie-bike, or pit themselves against another pupil on the ‘Roller racing rig’.


Wednesday 27th April – lunchtime talks

Pupils and staff who already cycle are available to chat about cycling to school, being part of a bike racing club, or mountain biking.  We’ll be talking kit, routes and much more.


Thursday 28th April – Cycle Speedway sessions at lunchtime and after school

Pupils are going to be racing each other in the downstairs gymn hall! Bikes will be provided.


Friday 29th April– Bike to school day, followed by Big Bike Breakfast.

Boroughmuir takes on the challenge of cycling to school.  Staff members can meet pupils at pre-arranged places, show them a safer route to school, and demonstrate safe city cycling.  If they cycle there will be a voucher given for a breakfast in the canteen, 7.30 – 8.20am.


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S3 Information

This letter is to inform you of several events that are occurring in the coming weeks in respect of S3 pupils, namely S3 assessments, the issuing of S3 profiles and the end of year S3 progress report.


You can read the full letter here

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S1 House Reception Thursday 24th March


IMG_0393Last term finished on a very positive note for S1 pupils who attended the first ever  “House Reception” (Tea Party) in Mr Dempster’s  office.

At 3pm on 24th March 2 pupils from each House group in S1 attended the reception with Mr Dempster and Ms Presly.  These pupils had been nominated by their peers as having made significant contributions to winning “House Tokens” over the last term.  The pupils were issued with official invitations and treated to a cuppa (or a smoothies), a selection of cakes and fruit.

Mr Dempster asked pupils about what they were enjoying about Boroughmuir and  how they thought the school could be improved.  The pupils then could ask their Head Teacher anything.   Many of the questions were around the new school and also some interesting aspects of Mr Dempster’s office.

Well done and thank you to our guests who were:

  • Leamington – Rodger Hu & Calum Marjoribanks (Chris Munro – also nominated but could not attend)
  • Westhall – Katie Barker & Amy Barnes
  • Hartington – Sofia Tumiotto & Daniel Arah
  • Viewforth – Veronica McTiernan and Fraser Hunter


The House with the highest total of tokens was Leamington who take the lead in the House championship for S1.  Another reception will be held later in this term.

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Senior Netball Results

Netball FinalCongratulations to the Senior Netball team who were Runners up in the Open Silver Scottish Cup Final.

The final took place at Ravenscraig Sports Complex against Anderson High School, Shetland.
The team played very well but were unlucky to be beaten by a strong team from Anderson. Over the course of the competition the girls have played some very good netball and it is a great achievement to be one of the 6 teams in the Open finals from 87 teams who started.

Well Done to the team: Mhairi Dunnett, Iona Meier, Rachel Dunnett, Jeannie Greenshields, Kirstin Mackay, Grace Gorton, Sophia Kerr, Anna Kennedy, Abi Rajendran, Leanne Bell & Stella Cobb.

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Boroughmuir Win Scottish Young Consumers Competition

BoroVeolaChq-2emA fantastic night at the Scottish Parliament as our Young Consumer team won the Scottish final and can now look forward to appearing at the British Final in London in June.  The team led by Captain Jess performed magnificently from round 1 to build up a good lead only to be pegged back by a really good team from Douglas Academy.  Going into the final round the teams were tied but some great buzzer work allowed us to open up a narrow gap and hold on to become Champions. The team Jess, Calum, Clara, Henry and Maya have all worked extremely hard over many months and can go to London with every hope of competing for the trophy.  Special thanks to Alec Jones, Education Officer who has worked with the team and prepared them so well. Also a special mention to the team from Douglas Academy who ran us so close, they were excellent on the night and extremely gracious in defeat.  London here we come!

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Young Enterprise Awards Ceremony

Boroughmuir’s Young Enterprise team presented their ‘journey’ through the year to describe their experiences of setting up and running a business.The ceremony was held in Napier university for schools in the Lothian regions.

YE presentation

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House Tokens Totals and Celebration

the Guidance team came to assembly this morning to hear the winners and winning house announced.

Each token in the totaliser resulted in 100 House Points.
• Hartington = 11,500
• Leamington = 12,300 – winners for term 1
• Viewforth = 9,900
• Westhall = 12,200

In addition to this all pupils were asked to nominate the person they felt had contributed most for their House Group.

The winners of this will attend a “House Celebration Reception” (afternoon Tea/juice!) in Mr Dempster’s office at 3pm on Thursday.

The following pupils will attend the reception on Thursday to represent their Houses:

• Leamington – Rodger Hu & Chris Munro
• Westhall – Katie Barker & Amy Barnes
• Hartington – Sofia Tumiotto & Daniel Arah
• Viewforth – Veronica McTiernan and Fraser Hunter

Juliet & Sean & Positive Discipline Group.

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Pipe Band Competition

The School’s Pipe Band performed brilliantly in yesterday’s Scottish Schools Pipe Band Competition at Broughton High School. below is a link to the performance

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