Freshers’ Success & Booklet

Well done S1 for getting involved in so many different clubs and activities! Your enthusiasm and energy generated a lot of excitement towards getting more involved in our school community. Remember to watch out in the bulletin for clubs starting in the next couple of weeks. Also a massive thank you to all our volunteers who are providing over 30 different opportunities for S1 Extra Curricular clubs.

Freshers Fair Booklet

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Important Notice School Hockey Club

The School Hockey Club is playing at Knox Academy, Haddington tomorrow.  The bus will depart Meggetland at 8.30am and arrive back at approx. 1.00pm.  Please will all players ensure they bring their competed EE2 form.  Good luck to the teams!

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Sean Flynn British Biking Champion!


We were delighted to hear that during the summer Sean Flynn, 5H2  became British champion for both road and mountain biking. Please see attached pictures. Congratulations and very well done on this great achievement Sean!

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S1 Freshers’ Fair – Friday 9th September

On Friday 9th September all S1 pupils will be attending our “Freshers’ Fair” in the Atrium during periods 1 and 2.  This will give them the opportunity to sign up for a wide range of clubs and activities both during and after school.  A booklet will also be given out to take home with them giving details of each club.

Freshers FairOver the next couple of weeks details will be appearing in our bulletin to let pupils know when clubs are starting.  Some clubs are already up and running – Creative Writing, Colouring Club, Netball, Hockey, Football, Wind Band  and Running Club to name a few!   Our Sports Leaders and Sports Ambassadors will all be on hand to offer advice and encouragement too.

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