Practical Woodworking Showcase

Some of our senior pupils have been working very hard making toolboxes as part of their

construction unit in Practical Woodwork. The course enables pupils to gain skills in woodworking techniques and in measuring and marking out timber sections and sheet materials. It develops safe working practices in workshop environments, fosters practical creativity and problem-solving skills, and increases awareness of sustainability issues within a practical context. The standard of work produced so far has been outstanding! I wonder if you can spot the next project in the background?


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S1 Welcome Evening – Thursday 22nd September 7pm in the Atrium

S1 Welcome Evening – Thursday 22nd September 7pm in the Atrium

We are looking forward to seeing S1 parents at the S1 Welcome Evening in the Atrium from 7-8pm next Thursday 22nd September.  Mr Dempster and Ms Presly (and Pupils) will lead the evening and there will be an opportunity to share experiences with other parents.  The evening is facilitated by our PTA and will offer an opportunity to meet them and find out more about getting involved.   Hope to see you there.  J Presly DHT

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S1 Residential Trip for Activity Week June 2017 – Benmore

S1 Residential Trip for Activity Week June 2017 – Benmore

Today at Assembly all S1 pupils were issued with a blue booklet containing information about Activity Week 2017.  They have been offered a trip to Benmore Outdoor Centre in June 2017.  There are 80 places on offer and if interested please return the blue slips to register teachers by Wednesday 21st September.  It was explained to all S1 pupils that all the other activities (week long and daily) during Activity Week will go on offer later in the year.                   J Presly DHT

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