S1 Welcome Evening – Feedback

Many thanks to all S1 parents who attended the Welcome Evening last Thursday, it was a great turnout.  We have collated all the feedback from the group discussions and uploaded it here. As you can see many were addressed on the night by pupils and staff.

Thanks again to our PTA for facilitating the evening and explaining their role in supporting our school.  I know many of you signed up to join!  We look forward to seeing you at our next PTA fundraising events on 28th October (Wine tasting) and 18th October (Quiz Night).


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PTA Wine Tasting Event

Come along to sip wine, socialise and support your children’s school careers. The wine tasting is the PTA’s biggest fundraising event of the year, and the money we raise is critically important to Boroughmuir.

Tip – there will be a raffle and mini wine-tasting tests you can enter, so remember to bring cash!


You can sign up using the Event Brite Link

Boroughmuir High School Wine Tasting

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New School Update

New Boroughmuir High School

Following recent media coverage of possible construction delays to the new school, I thought it was important to update you on the current position.

The contractors have provided a programme to the Council that indicates that work on the new school will finish in December allowing us to move in January. However, the Council’s project team have some concerns that thisnew-school-from-canal-2 is achievable and are monitoring progress on a regular basis.

The situation will be reviewed in mid-October and a decision taken then on whether to proceed with the January opening or postpone the move to a later date. As soon as any decision is taken I will let you know.

Having visited the site yesterday I am confident that the new building will provide an incredible learning and teaching environment for all our pupils and I am looking forward to us moving in.

David C Dempster

Head Teacher

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