Daily Bulletin 04-10-16
Daily Bulletin 03-10-16
Daily Bulletin 30-09-16
Daily Bulletin 03-10-16
SSSA Dual Slalom Qualifier , Hillend Sept 2016
A great day at Hillend on Monday for the SSSA Dual Slalom Qualifiers. Some fabulous racing from the two Boroughmuir teams that had entered. Boroughmuir A (Lachlan Stephen, Fraser Hunter, Ben Flockhart and Jude Guy) took 1st place. Boroughmuir B (Isla Leach, Niall Urquhart, Jamie Stewart and Harry Philips) took 2nd place.
Well done to all the racers and looking forward to the final at Braehead in Glasgow on Thursday 27th October.
Daily Bulletin 29-09-16
Raising Teens With Confidence Invitation
The teenage years can often feel like being on a rollercoaster for Dads, Mums, carers and young people – plenty of highs, lows and uncertainty about what might be round the corner! The many physical, emotional and behavioural changes that occur mean that adolescence can be a time of vulnerability as well as a time of great opportunity for young people.
Following the success of Raising Children with Confidence which has been delivered to 1,500 families in Primary schools, Raising Teens with Confidence aims to give you the chance to explore how you can best support your teenage children
See the letter for more detail
It will also be archived in Letters to Parents
Daily Bulletin 28-09-16
**Subscribing to Boroughmuir High School Website Instructions**
**Please note that the subscription windows seen previously on this site were for testing only and you will need to resubscribe using this method**
This is a post to inform interested parties how to subscribe to our website.
Please note that this subscription feature will only send posts from the front page to you
certain documents as well as letters will still be posted into the relevant sections on the website (Reminders and notices about these will go onto the front page.)
On our home page Boroughmuirhighschool.org if you look at our Widgets on the right of the site you will see this box:
Simply enter your email address to subscribe the the site
You will then receive an email asking you to confirm your subscription (check your Junk mail if this does not show up within an hour)
This will redirect you to wordpress.com and your subscription will be set up.
If at any point you have difficulty using this method feel free to email the webmaster at: Admin@boroughmuir.edin.sch.uk This is a shared email however so ensure you address it to webmaster.