Raising Teens With Confidence tonight’s session has been postponed. Further details to follow. Apologies for any inconvenience
P7 Open Afternoon Friday 28th October 1.30-3.30pm
We are looking forward to seeing many of our future S1 pupils and parents on Friday afternoon. 1.30pm start for a “Welcome” from Mr Dempster in the Atrium, followed by a tour of the school by S6 pupils to finish at 3pm. Further opportunity to go back and visit departments from 3-3.30pm.
Measles Health Notice
S4 Prelim Timetables
Daily Bulletin 14-10-16
New School Update
Please see attached letter for the latest update on the new school.
Also archived to letters to parents.
Daily Bulletin 13-03-16
Bring Your Parents to School Day – S1 Parents Tuesday 8th November
Would you like to experience a day in the school life of your son/daughter in S1? On Tuesday 8th November you can do exactly that. All S1 pupils will bring home a letter tomorrow inviting you back to school for a day. We are looking for 20 brave parents to form our parent class and follow an S1 timetable to experience a day in the life of an S1 pupil. There is a tear off slip to return to the school office by 28th October if you would like to join us for the day.
For any more information please contact school or contact Ms Presly DHT.
Daily Bulletin 12-10-16
Assessment Calendars
Attached are this years Assessment Schedules/Calendars
These will also be uploaded to each Faculty page.