We all have one thing in common in that we all spent some or all of our secondary education at Boroughmuir High School.
The FPA website http://www.boroughmuirhighschoolfpa.co.uk/ is all about reliving those school memories and building a lasting platform to capture school memories for future generations of pupils. It will only be as good as the input it receives so please let us have your comments and views as well as any useful suggestions to improve the site. The Website will give you details of how to join the F.P.A. The website is our main tool for running the Association and for keeping all FP’s in touch with each other and the school.
We intend to publish an annual Magazine/Newsletter to keep members informed of events, FP Club activities, reunions and alumni news. So please use the Contact Us menu to let us have any news that you would like to have included.
The FPA will be a resource for the following aspirations:-
- Keeping FPs informed about school and FP Club events and potentially providing recruits for the latter through its website and annual newsletter.
- Enabling a platform for FP Year Group communications from all over the world.
- Providing practical career guidance and work experience opportunities for current attending pupils.
- Source for school prize sponsorship/awards.
- Outlet for legacies, donations from FPs, their families and friends.
- Helping the School in any way that both parties jointly deem fit
BFPA Inaugural 2014 Magazine – Now launched!
This has now been printed and hard copies distributed to all paid up members. There are two versions of this publication – a hard copy version and an electronic version with the latter available on request to the Magazine Editor whose details will be on the Contact Page of the Magazine.
School Song
For any of you feeling nostalgic for the old school here are the words fo our fine school song – Vassels of the Muir. You will be glad to know that the song is now sung every year at our annual Christmas Concert!
We are Vassals of the ‘Muir, Vassals of the ‘Muir,
In silent vigil at her Shrine, we pledge fealty to the ‘Muir.
“Justus! Serve the cause of Right”.
“Tenax! Keep the scutcheon bright”.
And we proudly bear the Banner, the liege Vassals of the ‘Muir
The ‘Muir, The ‘Muir, Vassals of the ‘Muir,
Rally to the Borestone O ye Vassals of the ‘Muir;
To the gate that opens wide,
To the lamp that burns inside,
To the gate that opens wide,
To the lamp that burns inside,
To the Borestone, to the Borestone,
All ye Vassals of the ‘Muir.
And the Vassals of the ‘Muir, Vassals of the Muir,
The sturdy saplings of her soil that do homage to the ‘Muir,
North and South and East and West
Seek anew the age old quest,
And they pay their fee in Service, the liege Vassals of the ‘Muir.