- Mrs Braisby – Curriculum Leader (Computing Science teacher)
- Mrs Dighton – Teacher
- Mr Lynch – Teacher
- Miss Howden – Teacher
Broad General Education
S1 and S2 pupils attend Computing Science one period per week. Our S1 and S2 course will cover many of the Level 3 Curriculum for Excellence experiences and outcomes, with opportunities to extend to Level 4 experiences and outcomes. In S1 pupils enhance their digital literacy skills with an introduction to Office365. Pupils will then study units of work in web development, programming using BBC:Microbit and cyber resilience. S2 pupils will continue to enhance their computational skills in programming using Scratch and MakeCode Arcade, as well as learning more advanced web development skills. Pupils will also be introduced to Data Science.
Home Support
All classes have a OneNote class notebook. This can be accessed via Office365. ll teaching and learning materials can be found in the class notebook. This includes, course notes, revision notes, written tasks, and practical tasks. Each class also has a Microsoft Team. This allows communication with peers and teacher. Homework tasks and assessment deadlines will be shared via Teams.
Wider Achievement
On Wednesday 9th November all 70 of our S3 Computing Science pupils took part in the national BIMA Digital Day 2022. BIMA is the UK organisation which is the voice of digital and tech and is passionate about developing the next generation of digital professionals. Boroughmuir have taken part in this initiative for many years and this year we were partnered with the digital agency Yard. Our pupils spent the whole day on Wednesday in the Assembly Hall hearing about digital career opportunities from the staff at Yard and then taking part in some digital design challenges to come up with digital solution for well known brands (Primark & Royal Mail). The pupils worked hard in the morning sessions to come up with their ideas which they then presented in the afternoon to the Yard staff. The judges were extremely impressed with the number of very creative ideas that the pupils came up with and that every pupil involved was prepared to take part in the presentations.
One of the judges later tweeted “All of the groups researched the topics well and came up with viable solutions but the winning group had a couple of ideas that an agency could genuinely pitch to @Primark tomorrow and be taken seriously”. The winning teams from both Royal Mail and Primark brands will now be entered into the National BIMA Competition