Information about Active Schools

Active Schools is a national programme, funded and supported by sportscotland. Active Schools aims to give young people more opportunities to get involved in sport and physical activity while they are at school. The goal is to get more children, more active, more often. You can find more information about Active Schools in the city on the Council website:

Extra-Curricular Activities
A key role of Active Schools is to support a programme of extra-curricular activities at every school. Classes run before school, at lunchtime and after school. Programmes are updated each term and full details are available from your Active Schools Co-ordinator or school.

Coaching and Volunteering Opportunities
If you are a parent, staff member, senior pupil, coach or student and think you can help get more children, more active, more often then we would like to hear from you. You do not have to sign all your free time away, every little bit helps! Please do get in contact to discuss how you would like to get involved.
Community Clubs
At Active Schools we are keen that young people continue with the sports and activities outwith school. The next step is to join a local community club, and we can help make this as easy as possible. Please contact your Active Schools Co-ordinator or speak to your coach/tutor for more information.
Contact Details
I am your Active Schools Co-ordinator, covering the Boroughmuir Cluster – Boroughmuir High School, Bruntsfield Primary School, Buckstone Primary School and South Morningside Primary School.
My contact details are as follow:
Tony Segall: 07884 244362 /
I look forward to hearing from you!