S1 Welcome Evening Feedback

Last Thursday night over 100 S1 parents attended our S1 Welcome Evening. The evening was hosted by the Parent Council, PTA and pupils from S1 and S6.
Parents were welcomed by Mr Dempster and Miss Presly. Jacqueline and Christina from our Parent Council shared information about getting involved with the Parent Council and upcoming events organised by our PTA.
Our audience then broke out into groups facilitated by pupils and members of PTA. They shared “What is going well in S1?” and “Even better if?”
The consensus from our parents:
Going Well? – 3 Day visits, range of clubs, role of S6 mentors, homework diaries and pupils have settled well and feel happy.
Even Better If? The bulletin was on Twitter, the cafeteria prices were on the website, clubs did not overlap and more information about homework.


Thank you to everyone involved for making the evening such a success and offering us valuable feedback. A special mention must go to our fabulous S1 pupils who spoke so confidently and honestly about their experiences of Boroughmuir so far.

Thank you.

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